
Showing posts from July, 2021


Science is one of the ways that humans try to understand the physical world and make sense of it. Science is fundamental to determining and explaining phenomena. So, science helps us to understand about some matters like how and why do they happen? For example, ecologists may try to explain why species diversity is decreasing in an ecosystem, or astronomers may try to explain the phases of the Moon based on the relative positions of the Sun, Earth, and Moon. When scientists explain phenomena and construct new claims, they provide evidence and reasons to justify them or to convince other scientists of the validity of the claims. To be scientifically literate citizens, students need to engage in similar inquiry. Engaging students in explanation and argumentation can result in numerous benefits for students. For example, creating and supporting their claims can help students develop a stronger understanding of the content knowledge. Scientific explanation is an essential learning goal. SC...


Gender is an important consideration in development. It is a way of looking at how social norms and power structures impact on the lives and opportunities available to different groups of men and women. Globally, more women than men live in poverty. Women are also less likely than men to receive basic education and to be appointed to a political position nationally and internationally. Understanding that men and women, boys and girls experience poverty differently and face different barriers in accessing services, economic resources and political opportunities helps to target interventions. WHAT IS GENDER? Gender refers to the characteristics of women, men, girls and boys that are socially constructed. This includes norms, behaviours and roles associated with being a woman, man, girl or boy, as well as relationships with each other. As a social construct, gender varies from society to society and can change over time. Gender is hierarchical and produces inequalities that intersect with...


Most of people in different countries have already familiar with the words race, ethnicity and culture, and also their various derivatives. The concepts of race and ethnicity are used and critiqued in sociology, and they are linked to the idea of majority and minority groups, as well as social structures of inequality, power, and stratification. People can identify “race” as the physical differences that groups and cultures consider socially significant whereas “ethnicity” refers to shared cultural characteristics such as language, ancestry, habits, and beliefs. RACE AND ETHNICITY Race is frequently used in society to categorize people based on their skin color, as well as other physical, social, and biological characteristics. For example, some census identify the race as a person’s self-identification with one or more social groups. When we are filling out official documentation and are asked to tick the box for our race, these personal identifiers are the terms we will see the most....


ETHICS Ethics are relevant with questions of how people ought to behave in society, and normally, they are useful for people to take moral judgements using the criteria for what is right or wrong. A concern about something or someone, rather than ourselves and our own interests is considered as the heart of ethics. Also, ethics is concerned with the interests of others, society's interests, God's interests, "ultimate goods," and so on. Thus, when someone thinks ethically, they are thinking about something beyond than themselves. Traditionally, ethics give us general advice on how to live, having a good and happy life. PRACTICE OF ETHICS Most of our concepts of ethics have been derived from religions, philosophies and cultures. If ethical theories are to be effective in practice, they must have an impact on how people act. Ethics are not only about the morality of particular courses of action, but it is also about the goodness of individuals and what it means to live ...